
Mary Walther Johnson, Acting Zoning Administrator


PO Box 33
Au Train MI  49806-0033


Zoning is governmental regulation of the use of land with primary goals to ensure the compatibility of land uses and prevent nuisances, protect natural resources, and protect property values.

Zoning implements a community’s master plan through the zoning ordinance, which divides the community into various districts or zones, and specifies the land uses, such as residential, commercial or industrial, that are authorized by right, permitted with conditions or prohibited within each zone.

Typical zoning regulations address the physical development of the township through such elements as land use, building height, bulk, lot area, setbacks, parking, signs and density.

Both general law and charter townships may adopt zoning ordinances, pursuant to zoning enabling statute.

Zoning Administrator  Job Description

Zoning Compliance Permits

The Township’s Zoning Ordinance is administered by the Township Zoning Administrator. A Zoning Compliance Permit is required for any land use change.   

Building permits are issued by the Alger County Building Code Administrator, located at 100 Court Street in Munising. A zoning compliance permit from the Township is required to receive a building permit from Alger County. For more information please contact the Alger County Building Code Administrator at (906) 387-2727.

You may need additional permits from the LMAS District Health Department – Environmental Health Division Alger County, E9526 Prospect Street, Munising, MI 49862, ph: (906) 387-2297

Zoning Administrator Reports


News / Notices


*Special Meeting Notice*
Notice is hereby given that Public Hearing will be held by the Au Train Township Planning Commission on the following date, at the Au Train Township Hall, located at N7569 Spruce Street, Au Train MI 49806, Alger County, Michigan, to receive public comment on the following Conditional Use Applications.
Wednesday, December 18th at 6:00 pm
1. Jackson and Kelly Tracy are requesting a Condition Use Permit for a Short-Term Rental located at:
N2757 Sleeping Bear Drive
Munising MI 49862
Lakeshore and River Two
2. Kyle and Laura Oberdorf are requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Short-Term Rental located at:
E6980 Maple Grove Road
Munising MI 49862
Lakeshore and River Two
3. Wyatt Seaberg is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Resort located at:
N7840 Ridge Road
Munising MI 49862
Town Development/Rural Residential 1/2
The Au Train Township Zoning map and text are available online at www.autraintownship.org
Written comments regarding the public hearing will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the hearing. For questions, contact, Au Train Township Zoning Administrator at (906)361-2373 or autrainzoning@gmail.com.
This notice is posted in compliance with Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, the Open Meetings Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

*Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule for the remainder of 2024 from GFL*

Thanksgiving Day – November 28, 2024
GFL garbage collection will be delayed one Day. Thursday’s trash route will be collected on Friday and Friday’s trash route will be collected on Saturday.
Christmas Day – December 25, 2024
GFL garbage collection will be delayed one day with Wednesday’s trash route collected on Thursday, Thursday’s trash route collected on Friday and Friday’s route collected on Saturday.
New Year’s Day – January 1, 2025
GFL garbage collection will be delayed one day with Wednesday’s trash route collected on Thursday, Thursday’s trash route collected on Friday and Friday’s route collected on Saturday.

*Seeking Planning Commission Members*

Au Train Township is accepting applications from residents interested in serving on the Planning Commission. Educational opportunities will be required and offered at no expense to the applicant. 

Planning Commission members play an important role in our Township.   

Please send a letter of interest to:

Au Train Township, PO Box 33, Au Train MI 49806, place in Dropbox at the Township offices or email Clerk Mary Johnson: marywaltherjohnson@charter.net

Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

Thank you!!