
Serenity Pines Cemetery in Au Train Township is located along State Highway M28 and Lake Superior, just West of the Village of Au Train.

There are two sections of the cemetery. The original section, where no new burials are allowed  – except for placement of immediate family members. The new section, Section II, is immediately west, was opened in 2014 on land donated to the Township by the Edgar Family. There are 951 lots available, with several already purchased.  

Cemetery Forms:

News / Notices

*November 5th General Election Absentee Voter Ballot Information*
I expect to mail all Permanent Ballot Voters and those who requested a ballot for the November Election only, the 1st week of October.  PLEASE NOTE: The post office cannot forward ballots.  If you expect to be gone prior to mail date you need to make sure I have a current address on file.  You can track your ballot status at www.michigan.gov/vote

For anyone wanting to vote absentee or participate in Early Voting Options – that information is also available at www.michigan.gov/vote

Questions, contact Clerk Johnson at marywaltherjohnson@charter.net or call (906)361-2373

Header photo by: Kevin Dunham