
On election day, polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. – The Au Train Township Hall is located at N7569 Spruce Street, Au Train MI 49806.  This is known as Precinct No. 1 – the only voting Precinct in the Township.
Your Township Clerk is the Election Administrator and oversees and supervises staff and Pollworkers on Election Day. 

Registering to vote

To register to vote, you must be all the following:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old by Election Day
  • A resident of Michigan
  • A resident of the township where you are applying to register to vote for at least 30 days before Election Day. 

If you want to check to see if you are registered, visit www.Michigan.gov/vote. There you will find information about registering to vote and voting, voting equipment, polling place locations, state and local ballots, the candidates, campaign finance and more. Your local clerk can help with questions about your voter registration, polling place location, and working at the polls.

Early Voting In-Person

What is early voting?

In November 2022, Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that gives voters the right to vote early and in person at early voting sites before statewide and federal elections. Communities may also choose to provide early voting for local elections.
Early voting allows a voter to cast a ballot before Election Day, in an experience similar to voting on Election Day.
During the early voting period, voters are issued a ballot and can then insert their ballot directly into a tabulator at their early voting site.

Where can I vote early?

Voters can visit an early voting site in their area to cast a ballot in person during the early voting period.

An early voting site is like a polling place where voters can cast a ballot prior to Election Day, during the early voting period. Voters from more than one precinct, city, or township may be assigned to a single, shared early voting site.  Au Train Township has elected to share an early voting site with the City/Townships of Alger County. You will be able to cast your ballot at the Alger County Courthouse, 101 Court Street, Munising MI 49862. 

How is early voting different from absentee voting?

Both early in-person voting and absentee voting allow voters to cast a ballot prior to Election Day. However, there are key differences between the two methods of voting.
Early voting allows voters to cast a ballot similar to how they would do so at a polling place on Election Day. Voters are issued a ballot and can personally insert it into the tabulator at their early voting site.
Absentee voting allows voters to request a ballot by mail or in person at their local clerk’s office. Voters can complete their absentee ballot at home or at their local clerk’s office and submit it in an envelope by mail, in person, or by drop box. After an absentee ballot is received by the local clerk, the voter’s absentee ballot is processed and tabulated by their local clerk.
Absentee voters also have more flexibility to “spoil” their ballot, or change their vote, after it has been submitted.

Who can vote early?

Any registered voter in Michigan has the right to vote early in person at an early voting site for statewide and federal elections in which they are eligible.

Voters in Michigan can register to vote up to and on Election Day, including during the early voting period.

When can I vote early?

The early voting period takes place for a minimum of nine consecutive days, ending on the Sunday before an election.  Early voting sites must be open for at least eight hours each day during the early voting period.  Early voting is offered for all statewide and federal elections.

Early voting site locations, dates, and hours are available 60 days prior to Election Day at www.Michigan.gov/Vote 

Absent Voter Ballots

Absent voter ballots are available for all elections. They provide you with a convenient method for casting a ballot when you are unable to attend the polls on election day.

All registered voters in Michigan can now vote using what’s called an absentee ballot. You don’t need an excuse or a reason. You can vote by absentee ballot through the mail, without leaving your home. You can also go to your township clerk’s office or drop box to return your absentee ballot, which we recommend if you are returning a ballot within two weeks of election day, in order to avoid possible postal delays.

To request an absentee ballot, please print the Absentee Voter Ballot Application, fill it out, and send it to:

Au Train Township Clerk
PO Box 33 
Au Train MI 49806-0033

You may also scan and email the application to: marywaltherjohnson@charter.net or Contact your Clerk at (906)361-2373 and request an application be sent. 

For more voter information, please visit www.Michigan.gov/vote.

News / Notices

The Au Train Township Planning Commission will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, February 12th to conduct a Public Hearing for the following: Wyatt Seaberg is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Short Term Rental located at: N7768 Ridge Road, Munising MI 49862 – Parcel ID#001-325-024-30
Zoned: Rural Residential One/TwoThe Au Train Township Zoning Map/Ordinance text are available online at autraintownship.gov
Written comments regarding the public hearing will be accepted until 12:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the hearing. For questions, contact D Shields, Au Train Township Zoning Administrator at (906)450-1182 or autrainzoning@gmail.com
This notice is posted in compliance with Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, the Open Meetings Act, and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).Au Train Township Hall/Community Building
N7569 Spruce St., Au Train MI 49806 – (906)892-8265
Per GFL (Adam – Wood Island Landfill 01/16/2025) – ALL GARBAGE CARTS NEED TO BE PLACED FOR PICKUP by 6:00 am!
With new drivers, route changes, weather delays – they are hoping to get back on schedule. Our contract calls for pickup to begin as early as 6:00 am.
Previous times should no longer be taken into consideration.
If you have questions contact GFL direct at (906)387-2646 or Supervisor, Tom Balmes at (906)892-8279.
Thank you!